//Polski poniżej//
//English below//
Tilkynning frá almannavarnadeild ríkislögreglustjóra og lögreglustjóranum á Austurlandi:
- Rýmingu aflétt á stærra svæði á Seyðisfirði
- Áfram í gildi hættustig almannavarna á Seyðisfirði.
Sérfræðingar Veðurstofu Íslands könnuðu aðstæður í Botnabrún í dag og ekki er að sjá neinar breytingar að ráði frá því fyrir jól. Einnig hefur hreyfing verið mæld daglega og er hún lítil sem engin. Því er talið að stöðugleiki hafi aukist nægilega mikið til þess að hægt sé að aflétta frekari rýmingu. Enn er í gildi rýming á því svæði sem er rauðlitað á meðfylgjandi korti. Staðan í farvegi stóru skriðunnar sem féll föstudaginn 18. desember og í nágrenni hennar verður skoðuð frekar á morgun.
Þeir sem eiga hús við neðangreindar götur geta snúið aftur:
- Botnahlíð
- Bröttuhlíð
- Baugsveg
- Austurveg
Þjónustumiðstöð almannavarna er opin á milli 11-18 í Herðubreið á Seyðisfirði. Hægt er að senda inn fyrirspurnir á netfangið sey@logreglan.is og hringja í 839 9931 utan opnunartíma.
Ogłoszenie Departamentu Ochrony Ludności Krajowego Komisarza Policji i Komendantów Policji we wschodniej Islandii:
- Zmniejszona ewakuacja na większości obszarów w Seyðisfirði
- W dalszym ciągu stan alarmowy w Seyðisfirði.
Eksperci z Islandzkiego Urzędu Meteorologicznego zbadali dzisiejszą sytuację w Botnabrún i od czasu przedświątecznego sytuacja tam utrzymuje się bez zmian. Aktywność tam była mierzona codziennie i jest ona minimalna lub nie ma jej wcale. Dlatego uważa się, że stabilność na tyle wzrosła, aby można było zmniejszyć ewakuację. Ewakuacja nadal obowiązuje w obszarze zaznaczonym na czerwono na załączonej mapie. Sytuacja w obszarze dużego osuwiska, które miało miejsce w piątek 18 grudnia oraz w jego pobliżu, zostanie jutro dokładniej zbadana.
Ci, którzy posiadają domy na ulicach poniżej, mogą już wrócić:
- Botnahlíð
- Bröttuhlíð
- Baugsveg
- Austurveg
Centrum Departamentu Ochrony Ludności jest otwarte w godzinach 11-18 w Herðubreið w Seyðisfjörður. Zapytania można przesyłać na adres e-mail: sey@logreglan.is i dzwonić pod numer 839 9931 poza godzinami otwarcia.
Announcement from the Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police and the Chief of Police in East Iceland:
See further information.
- Evacuation protocols lifted over a larger zone in Seyðisfjörður
- The Civil Protection Crisis Level in Seyðisfjörður remains in force.
Experts from the Icelandic Meteorological Office examined the situation in Botnabrún today and no changes can be seen since before the holidays. Readings of activity in the area has been detected daily and little to no activity has been detected. It is therefore believed that the stability has increased sufficiently to be able to cancel further evacuation procedures. Evacuation is still in effect in the zone shown in red on the attached map. The situation on the route of the major mud flow that happened on Friday December 18t and in its vicinity will be examined further tomorrow.
Those who own houses on the streets below are permitted to return:
- Botnahlíð
- Bröttuhlíð
- Baugsveg
- Austurvegur
The Civil Protection Service Center is open between 11:00 and 18:00 at Herðubreið in Seyðisfjörður. Inquiries can be sent by email to sey@logreglan.is and by phone at 839 9931 outside of opening hours.
Announcement from the Civil Protection Department of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police and the Chief of Police in East Iceland:
- Evacuation protocols lifted over a larger zone in Seyðisfjörður
- The Civil Protection Crisis Level in Seyðisfjörður remains in force.
Experts from the Icelandic Meteorological Office examined the situation in Botnabrún today and no changes can be seen since before the holidays. Readings of activity in the area has been detected daily and little to no activity has been detected. It is therefore believed that the stability has increased sufficiently to be able to cancel further evacuation procedures. Evacuation is still in effect in the zone shown in red on the attached map. The situation on the route of the major mud flow that happened on Friday December 18t and in its vicinity will be examined further tomorrow.
Those who own houses on the streets below are permitted to return:
- Botnahlíð
- Bröttuhlíð
- Baugsveg
- Austurvegur
The Civil Protection Service Center is open between 11:00 and 18:00 at Herðubreið in Seyðisfjörður. Inquiries can be sent by email to sey@logreglan.is and by phone at 839 9931 outside of opening hours.